Monday, February 21, 2011

Banner Hung Across Hwy. 101 at Richardson Grove

People were gathering for a rally in Garberville at noon, when word came of an action starting at Richardson Grove. So everyone got in their cars and moved the rally to Highway 101, where two climbers were sitting in a tree with a large banner stretched across the highway. At least sixty Richardson Grove supporters were there, holding signs and waving to passing vehicles. The banner said " NO ROAD WIDENING. CALTRANS LIES RUINS OUR LIVES." After I left, I heard that calls were coming in that said there were about 20 California Highway Patrol vehicles sitting just south of the grove, with two officers in each vehicle.


Anonymous said...

hey dipshit:

cassandra said...

Thank you Earth First & protesters for helping to save Richardson's Grove

Roger S said...

Thank yyou